Documenting Force

"This course forces serious consideration as it relates to agency policy and how it impacts the decision making process for law enforcement officers."

- Lieutenant Tim Beecham, Alabama Highway Patrol

Documenting Force delivers proven strategies that help officers avoid unnecessary internal and external scrutiny. The curriculum is nationally certified by IADLEST and approved for POST credit in 35 states. Our 'handy' Documenting Force lesson provides dozens of report examples for use in the field. Participants receive instruction on the following:

  • Learn body-worn camera reporting strategies.
  • Identify key use of force laws, terms and definitions.
  • Identify critical details needed for use of force reports.
  • Write and examine reports using step-by-step strategies.
  • Apply strategies that make reports easier to read and write.
  • Write consistently to avoid unnecessary liability and scrutiny.

Contact us to host a course on-site. Course is available on-line at Law Enforcement Learning

FORCE Concepts, Inc. • 919.552.0782 •
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