
FORCE Concepts delivers proven instructional design and training solutions for public safety professionals. Our dynamic team of adult learning, technical writing, and human resource experts develop engaging content that end users remember. Our custom services deliver a seamless classroom, e-learning, or mobile device experience. To learn more, contact us today.


"This course forces serious consideration as it relates to agency policy and how it impacts the decision making process for law enforcement officers."

Lieutenant Tim Beecham, Alabama Highway Patrol
"In just one day, I could see improvements in my writing. Little things became key points in determining how to document my actions."

Officer Tony Rumgay, Cumberland, MD Police Department
"Training was organized, applicable, and presented in formats that were easy to understand. FORCE Concepts helped us identify areas that need improvement and offered clear solutions on how we should be doing business."

Sergeant Kurt Roth, Battle Creek, MI Police Department
"This was the best class I have taken in my 20 year career. Real life training that can be applied immediately on the job."

Lieutenent Jeff Noah, Valencia County, NM Sheriff's Office

FORCE Concepts, Inc. • 919.552.0782 • info@force-concepts.com
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